How To Write Faster Without Even Trying

how to write faster

Want to know how to write faster? Here are some tips for better composition. We've all been to that point: You finally squeeze some additional writing time into your already busy schedule but often have a weak vernacular writing habit built into our busy routine. But when you sit down to actually write, something strange happens.


First, you notice a tendency to edit out what doesn't make sense or add unnecessary words and sentences that are redundant. This is the editing phase. But before you even get to that point, try writing out the ideas in your head one at a time. Do this daily. Do an edit day once a week, or, if you're feeling particularly creative, a write-up a few times a month.


Let go of the need to edit. No one can tell you how to write faster unless you ask them to. In fact, most people are too afraid to edit their work because they think it will hurt their writing. But, you can edit, you just have to do it. It's okay to throw away what does not work and replace it with something better. You don't have to rewrite everything, just clean up the lines around it so that the story you're telling flows smoothly.

How to Write Faster Without Even Trying


Get started with the stories you love. One of the biggest impediments to writing is getting distracted. If you're constantly distracted, you're going to struggle to get started writing. Make a list of your top distractions and then get started writing while you're on that list.


Distractions come in all forms. You may find yourself chewing on a pencil or fingering a phone, or even reading a magazine page. Find something else to occupy your time. Distractions are inevitable, but they can be dealt with. If you work on a daily writing habit, you'll get started with your writing at any time.


Keep your head straight. Writing requires focus, and if you want to be a faster writer, you need to discipline yourself to stay focused. When your mind wanders, stop the writing and take a break. Your eyes will begin to become unfocused and your typing speeds will fall. It's hard to imagine how your eyes will ever focus when you're typing, but, if you keep your head straight, you'll notice the distractions easier. This practice can help you get started with your typing much faster than just trying to focus on what you're writing.


Get into the flow state when typing. Flow states make it easy to type because the keyboard moves in a smooth consistent motion. Using a guide to place your fingers on the keyboard will help you stay in the flow state more easily, and typing will seem more natural. Use your intuition to help you place your fingers on the keys without typing randomly. By feeling for the right pressure points, typing becomes easier and your eyes will stay focused as you type faster.


As you continue to learn how to write faster, you'll notice that your writing starts to flow and becomes more natural. You no longer have to think about what you're writing, and you can let go of your worry about whether your typing is accurate and properly placed. Once you get into the habit of using guides to place your fingers on the keys, your fingers will always be placed on the right keys, even when typing for an extended period of time.


If typing feels very unnatural at first, try reading aloud. Reading aloud will help your brain to understand where you are in the typing progression. This will help you start writing faster because you'll be able to remember how to spell the words correctly. Every day, read every letter aloud in order to start getting used to the process of typing and reading. By doing this, you'll be able to tell at a glance if you're hitting the right keys or not.


In the editing phase of your writing, make sure you edit what you wrote. Most people who want to learn how to write faster will notice that their first draft is far from perfect. Sometimes, it's hard to edit what you've written, but once you get into the flow state, you can edit and proofread your work without actually typing it. One way you can edit your work is to post it to social media. Through social media, you can let others know that you've written an article or blog post and ask for feedback on the content.


When you get into the flow state, there's not much difference between what you type and what you write. This is why most people who learn how to write faster find it difficult to edit what they've done. Once you're in the flow state, you can edit your work or even type an article or blog post to ask for feedback. Through this method, you'll be surprised at how fast you type and how many words you can type in a short period of time.

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